How Often Should You Use a Facial Mask?

How Often Should You Use a Facial Mask?

When it comes to boosting your skincare regimen, nothing can ever beat a facial mask. If you choose the proper mask, it will do a lot more than simply make you feel good; it will help you deal with a variety of skin issues and infirmities

But there are concerns. At the top of that list is how often you should use a face mask. 

Let’s find out how often you should apply a facial mask and which type is best for your skin type.


What is the Proper Way to Apply a Facial Mask? 

The first thing to consider is how often you should use a facial mask. But we will talk about this later in the article. 

Second, it’s the best procedure to follow. You need to start with washing, toning, and using a face essence. These procedures remove dirt and excess oil from your face, hydrate your skin, and set it up for your face mask to work better. After this, you can now use a facial mask. 

Applying a face mask correctly requires a few steps:


1. Evenly Apply the Mask to the Face

Though applying an inch-thick layer of the product may seem appealing, it’s not always the best option. It just takes around the size of a quarter to make a noticeable difference. 

Slathering on in a “pantyhose-thin” layer all over the face will leave the best results. As a bonus, include face massage methods in your regimen to maximize its effects!

Be aware that the concentrated vitamins and nutrients included in Eminence Organics face masks are a great way to nourish your skin. 


2. Don’t Forget About Your Neck and Shoulders

You only need around a quarter-sized quantity to cover your neck and décolletage. 

Environmental stress exposes these regions considerably sooner than the face. This causes them to show symptoms of aging much more quickly – and skincare routines often overlook them. 

Include these regions in your face mask application and give them particular attention.


3. Let it Work for 5-10 Minutes

It depends on the mask, but you can wear most types for 5-15 minutes at a time. There are quick-acting facial masks that you can remove within a few minutes. However, other types are okay to keep on overnight to provide deep hydration to your skin. 

We always suggest reading the label recommendations before using a new product. This will ensure you know exactly when to remove the mask.


4. Use A Damp Cloth To Gently Remove the Mask

Avoid removing your facial mask too harshly. Why? Because it can reduce the advantages you get from using the face mask in the first place. 

Instead, use caution when it comes to the color of your skin. Gently wash your face with warm water after applying the mask to avoid damaging the skin. You may use a washcloth, but ensure it’s soft and free of lint or other debris before use.


Young lady applying natural face mask in the bath tub


How often should you actually use a face mask?

Facial masks, unlike other components of your skin care regimen, like moisturizers and serums, usually do not have long-term effects. 

Preparing your skin with these products the day before an important occasion will temporarily enhance your skin’s radiance while soothing any inflammation or irritation.

You can use a facial mask up to three times weekly on average. Some skin types, on the other hand, may benefit from using the product more frequently.

How often you should use a facial mask will also depend on the type of face mask you are using. So, let’s look at the most common types of face masks; 


Related read: How To Choose The Best Type of Face Mask


Mud and clay Masks

Masks made of clay or mud are immediately recognizable. Their distinctive green, brown, or grey hue and thick substance set them apart.

Due to their ability to pull out oil, these masks should only be used three times a week for a maximum of 15 minutes per application.


Charcoal Masks

Activated charcoal has long been used in medicine to rid the body of toxins and overdoses. As such, activated charcoal facial masks are believed to help absorb impurities and oils. This makes them an ideal choice for oily and acne-prone skin types. 

Charcoal masks, like clay and mud masks, should only be used once or twice a week and for a maximum of 15 minutes on the face.

Only apply them once every week or every few weeks if you have sensitive skin.


Gel or Cream Masks

These are usually user-friendly for all skin types. However, they might be a better choice for you if you have a dry or sensitive skin type. 

It’s recommended to apply a cream or gel mask no more than three times weekly. Some brands recommend using nighttime masks every night. 


Sheet Masks

These are serum- or ampoule-encased single-use strips of paper, fabric (such as cotton), or cellulose face masks. In order to keep the serum in place and hydrate your skin, you wear the material directly on your skin.

The serum phase in your skin care regimen may be replaced with sheet masks on a regular basis. Additionally, you can use these as a specific pre-event therapy.

There are several types of sheet masks, making it possible to choose a type or brand that suits your skin type. We highly recommend paying close attention to the packaging information. It can help you determine whether the brand you are interested in is ideal for your skin type. 


Natural Face Masks (DIY)

The most common ingredients for natural/DIY facial masks are honey, oats, and cucumber. These are ideal for people with sensitive skin, especially if the commercially available options are not friendly on your face. 

Although it may appear like making your own masks is a safer option, understanding which components are safe to use topically is critical. Luckily, there are numerous DIYers on the internet with tips on how to create your own face mask.

Use your homemade mask only once or twice a week for 15 minutes at a time.


Bottom Line

Every type of skin and every skin requirement has a face mask to suit it. Because face masks come in so many varieties and may be used for many things, there isn’t a single answer to how frequently or how long you should use one.

If you’re unsure about how to use something, check the label or box first. If you still need clarification, visit your dermatologist for professional advice. 

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