Valentine’s Day on a Budget? Here is How to Nail it

Valentine’s Day on a Budget? Here is How to Nail it

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, people. Since most of us are still dealing with post-holiday debts, we are looking for ways to show our people that we love them. But on a budget. Celebrating Valentine’s Day on a budget is very much possible. It is all about knowing your loved one and spending smart on them, and what really counts is the action, not the money you spend.

Whether you are single or not, there is always that one person you would want to share your love with. Maybe it is your best friend, or your siblings or parents. Spend some quality time with them or get them something inexpensive that they have always wanted


Valentine’s Day on a Budget

A Personalized Card

A friend of mine and her boyfriend leave each other love notes every now and then everywhere in their apartment. A stick note on the fridge, a love letter on the dresser, and so on and so forth. You can tell how happy either one of them will be when reading these notes. It’s just stuff you say from the heart, and they really get it.

For Valentine’s Day, you can save a few bucks by just making a personalized card. It will show how much you love them rather than using the words on mass-produced cards. It is really simple, actually.

If you are a designer, design something while alone at home and print it out. For someone good at drawing, draw a picture of your loved one and gift them on Valentine’s Day. If you are good at crafting stuff, use the beads, laces, and glue, among other materials, at your disposal to make a card. Write a love poem for them if you have a way with words.

If you cannot do these, there are people in your circles who can do it for you at a low price. All these personalized gifts will be treasured more than any item you pick off a retailer’s shelf.


Inexpensive Activities

Since Valentine’s Day is all about spending time together, make a list of inexpensive activities you can both do.

  • Cook at home- Google is full of food recipes that you can choose from. Is there that one dish you all wish you could make at home and enjoy a candlelit dinner? Great, that is the meal you can prepare to celebrate your Valentine’s Day. A few candles here and a bottle of wine there, and your Valentine’s Day will be a blast.
  • Go to the Museum- there are various museums around the city that you can visit for less than $5. Go out there and see various artists showcase their works or learn a little history.
  • Watch a movie- or movies if you have a subscription to Netflix. Make it a movie-thon for all those movies you have postponed watching. Or watch a TV show you both love but have not followed in a while. Check out the movies that are available on Valentine’s Day at your local cinema.
  • Play your favorite games- from board games to card names. With a few snacks, a bottle of wine or two, and a few twists to the game to make it kinky, you will be having one of the naughtiest and best Valentine’s Day, and most of all, your Valentine’s Day will be on budget.



From an assortment of chocolates to flowers or traditional gifts with a love message. I know flowers can be expensive on Valentine’s Day. So, to make sure you are celebrating your Valentine’s Day on a budget, buy lilies and potted plants instead of flowers, a single rose, or get paper roses. I have seen some made of pages ripped off books, and they really looked lovely.

If your loved one is a traditionalist, buy them a book and scribble it with a love message. You can also make them a playlist (or a mix tape if you have a player for that).

You can buy books at Prestige Bookshop or Bookstop if you are in Nairobi.


In Conclusion

Whatever the condition of your wallet is, celebrating Valentine’s Day on a budget is very much possible. The most important thing about this day is spending quality time with your loved one. And the gift that you get them, make sure you put some thought into it. It is the thought that really counts at the end of the day.

What was the best Valentine’s Day ever? What did you do and get? Let us know.

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