Is it worth hosting a website at the office

Is it worth hosting a website at the office

Every month or year, we pay out a fee to our web hosting providers. The fee payments may differ depending on your subscription payment plan. This fee has increasingly become expensive, especially

Valentine’s Day ideas on a budget

Valentine’s Day ideas on a budget

Love is a beautiful thing, and having someone to share it with makes it even sweeter. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you are probably looking for the perfect gift to

Eid al Fitr: Gifts for a loved one

Eid al Fitr: Gifts for a loved one

Eid ul Fitr is one of the most important holidays in the Islamic calendar. The festival follows after a month of fasting and prayer. During this holy month of Ramadhan Muslims fast

Scuba diving camp in Mombasa, Kenya

Scuba diving camp in Mombasa, Kenya

Ever wanted to experience an underwater adventure full of marine life? Or maybe you’re just tired of the usual beach activities? Well, here is your chance to do all that and more

Silver Palms

Silver Palms

How to deal with rejection as a Freelancer

How to deal with rejection as a Freelancer

““Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” -Dr. Steve Maraboli   Dealing with rejection is hard, especially, if it’s something

My North Coast Experience

My North Coast Experience

The North Coast is known to have pristine fringed beaches, enthralling history and natural beauty. This is according to the Kenya Tourism. Most of the local and international tourists know of Watamu

A Tea lovers Guide to Africa

A Tea lovers Guide to Africa

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, tea, second only to drinking water is consumed by 3.3 billion people. The most common is black tea followed by green tea.

6 things you must do before quitting your job

6 things you must do before quitting your job

We all live in fear of losing our jobs and at the same time dread searching for a new one. These days, the process of applying for a job has become lengthy

Do you have a self-care budget? Here’s why you need one

Do you have a self-care budget? Here’s why you need one

Working 9-5 can drain you emotionally. If you are a full-time employee and still have the energy to go home, cook, clean up and actually get a good night sleep, Monday to