Is it worth hosting a website at the office

Is it worth hosting a website at the office

Every month or year, we pay out a fee to our web hosting providers. The fee payments may differ depending on your subscription payment plan. This fee has increasingly become expensive, especially

Couples Money Matters; Financial Rules When Moving in Together

Couples Money Matters; Financial Rules When Moving in Together

Moving in together is exciting! You finally get the chance to spend more time with your partner. Do more exciting things and generally playhouse. While most couples go into this moving in

Best Online Banking VPNs 2020

Best Online Banking VPNs 2020

In the past decade, advancements in the technology world have brought us many things. Among them is online banking, one thing we are all grateful for; it saves us time and energy

How to budget after a pay cut or job loss

How to budget after a pay cut or job loss

Somewhere down the line, we find ourselves with no source of income. You might get a pay cut, or you are entirely out of a job. It is a sad situation to

Budgeting 101: Budgeting Guide for beginners

Budgeting 101: Budgeting Guide for beginners

Have you ever looked at your bank account a week after payday and wonder what happened to your money? Yeah, me too. The only thing that saved me from overspending and to

Investing 101: Investment vehicles for a beginner

Investing 101: Investment vehicles for a beginner

If you are just getting into the realm of investing, today we are going to be giving you tips on how to do so. What is investing? In a nutshell, it is

Silver Palms

Silver Palms

How to deal with rejection as a Freelancer

How to deal with rejection as a Freelancer

““Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” -Dr. Steve Maraboli   Dealing with rejection is hard, especially, if it’s something

6 things you must do before quitting your job

6 things you must do before quitting your job

We all live in fear of losing our jobs and at the same time dread searching for a new one. These days, the process of applying for a job has become lengthy

Things to consider when choosing a reliable web hosting company

Things to consider when choosing a reliable web hosting company

Getting a good hosting company will save you a lot of headache. I say this from experience. As a web and graphics designer of 8 years, I have managed hundreds of websites with