Holiday Delicacies: Top blogs to check out
The holidays are upon us, people. You are about to experience a whole lot of gifting, laughter, love, and of course, filling yourself up with an array of dishes. For those of you who love experimenting in the kitchen, this is the right time to try some new recipes. We have sampled several blogs throughout the year, and we are happy to share a few to spice up your holiday delicacies- and drinks!
Here goes, in no specific order of preference:
1. Kaluhi’s Kitchen
We start the list with our very own Kaluhi’s Kitchen. One thing you have to love about a local blog is the accessibility of ingredients. The dishes are also super delicious.
Whatever ingredients Kaluhi’s Kitchen has, you are bound to get it in our local supermarkets. Her recipes are super delicious and simple to follow through. Also, the fact that she uses Kiswahili and English makes you feel at home.
Be sure to try out her banana cake recipe, the red wine braised honey pork ribs, or the lime coconut milk snapper fillet. Whether you are making a Christmas or New Year meal for you and your family, you can be sure they will enjoy the meal.
2. Marion’s Kitchen
We are glad we discovered Marion’s Kitchen this year. It is one of the best international blogs we have followed through and tried out the dishes. Guys, they are delicious and easy!
Whether you want to try out some seafood, veggies, poultry, dessert, or some soup to help with the holiday hangover, Marion and her mum have got you covered. We have tried her super easy to make 4-ingredient Korean pork ribs recipe and the Japanese chicken curry, to name a few.
If you are in Kenya, some, if not all, of the ingredients she uses are at Carrefour.
3. Love and Lemons
And for vegetarians, we have not forgotten about you. Love and Lemons is your go-to food blog for your holiday delicacies.
Here, you get enough vegetarian recipes to try for your family’s desserts, main dishes, breakfast, and even gluten-free meals.
We are yet to try some of their dishes. However, this Caesar salad and easy sugar cookies are on our list this holiday.
4. Tipsy Bartender
You can count on Tipsy Bartender this holiday season for all your drinks. Unleash your mixology skills over the holiday and get to spoil your loved ones with drinks without having to go to the bar.
If you want to try out wine recipes, brandy, whiskey, rum, tequila, vodka, or Gin, this blog has your back.
What will you be making this holiday season?