8 Things to Consider for an Inclusive Holiday Party

8 Things to Consider for an Inclusive Holiday Party

As the holiday season rolls around, it’s time to start planning those festive parties. Unfortunately, it comes with the delightful pressure to throw a party that sparkles brighter than grandma’s tinsel collection. But fear not, festive friend! This year, let’s ditch the one-size-fits-all bash and craft a celebration that’s as diverse and dazzling.

Remember that not everyone celebrates the holiday season the same way as you. To ensure that your party is inclusive for all guests, here are some tips and ideas on how to throw an inclusive holiday party.

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How to Throw an Inclusive Holiday Party

Consider the Timing

Let’s face it: December is a scheduling nightmare. Aunt Mildred’s fruitcake competition clashes with your office party, which overlaps with your neighbor’s menorah lighting. To avoid the holiday calendar clash, consider an alternative date. Late December or even January can be just as festive, and it might give your guests some breathing room between all their holiday commitments.

Offer a Variety of Foods

Food is the heart of any good party, and an inclusive bash needs a menu that reflects the diversity of your guest list. Ditch the predictable pigs-in-a-blanket and whip up a spread that celebrates different cultures and dietary needs. 

Think vegetarian chili alongside latkes, gluten-free gingerbread cookies, and a cheese platter that would make even the Brie-est connoisseur swoon. Don’t forget to label everything clearly, and consider offering smaller portions to cater to various appetites.


How About Hosting a Potluck

Speaking of food, you don’t have to take care of all the meal planning. For an even more inclusive party, encourage a potluck-style gathering that allows guests to contribute a dish close to their heart.

This not only diversifies the menu but also showcases the rich tapestry of flavors and culinary traditions. Emphasize the joy of sharing recipes that hold sentimental value, fostering a sense of community through the universal language of food. Whether it’s grandma’s secret pie recipe or a cultural delicacy, a potluck adds a delightful communal touch to the festivities.

Mocktails and Merriment

Not everyone imbibes, and that’s okay! Craft a selection of sparkling mocktails and festive non-alcoholic beverages that are just as tempting as the eggnog. Think cranberry spritzes, spiced apple cider, and homemade ginger ale. 

You can take this a step further by setting up a DIY mocktail station with fresh fruit, herbs, and mixers, letting your guests become their own mixologists. Remember, a party is about good company and merriment, not just the amount of bubbles in your glass.

Decorate with Diversity in Mind

While holiday decorations are a fun way to get into the spirit, it’s important to be mindful of the diversity of your guests. Try to avoid religious symbols and instead opt for more generic decorations such as snowflakes, winter wonderland themes, or colorful lights.


Create a Welcoming Environment

Make sure your guests feel welcome and comfortable by creating a warm and inviting environment. Have plenty of seating areas and cozy blankets available. 

A killer playlist is essential for any party, but remember, not everyone loves the same tunes. Create a mix that celebrates different genres and eras, from classic holiday hits to upbeat dance tracks. 

You could even set up different “listening stations” around the venue, each playing a different style of music. And hey, if someone has a special request, don’t be afraid to throw it on – inclusivity also means catering to individual preferences.

Plan Inclusive Activities

No party is complete without some festive fun, but ditch the charades and Pictionary – they can be exclusionary if you’re not a pop culture whiz or artistic maestro. Instead, opt for games that are easy to learn and inclusive for all ages and abilities. 

Board games like Bananagrams and Codenames are always a hit, and trivia games with diverse topics can spark lively conversation. You could even set up a DIY photo booth with silly props and backdrops for some instant holiday memories.

If children are attending, have a designated play area with age-appropriate toys and activities.

Be Mindful of Accessibility

Make sure your party is accessible to everyone. If you have guests with disabilities, ensure the venue is wheelchair accessible and has accessible restrooms. Be mindful of guests who may need accommodations, like sign language interpreters or audio descriptions. 

A dimly lit room might be romantic, but for someone with visual impairments, it’s a navigational nightmare. Ensure your party space is well-lit, with clear pathways and ramps if necessary. Avoid strobe lights and flickering candles, and opt for soft, diffused lighting that’s easy on the eyes.

Respect Your Guests’ Beliefs

Be mindful of your guests’ beliefs and traditions. Avoid any conversations or activities that may be offensive or exclusionary. If you’re unsure about something, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and avoid it altogether. 

Still, you can hack this by incorporating diverse holiday traditions into your party. Encourage guests to share their customs and rituals, creating an enriching experience where everyone feels valued and respected. Set up stations showcasing different traditions, from ornament-making to story-sharing, allowing everyone to partake in the festivities.

Final Word

Inclusivity is not just an element of a holiday party; it’s the heart that makes celebrations truly special. By embracing diversity, respecting differences, and creating an environment of warmth and acceptance, you’ll craft an unforgettable holiday gathering that leaves a lasting impact on all who attend. 

Here’s to hosting inclusive holiday parties that sparkle with inclusivity and radiate the true essence of the season. Happy holidays!


My guest list includes people with allergies and dietary restrictions. How can I plan the menu?

Inclusivity starts with food! Clearly label dishes, offer vegetarian and vegan options, and have gluten-free snacks available. Encourage guests to mention any allergies or restrictions beforehand so you can prepare accordingly. A potluck can be great for this, as it invites everyone to contribute dishes that suit their needs.

My space isn’t the biggest. How can I make it accessible to everyone?

Ensure clear pathways, avoid clutter, and have ample seating options. If there are stairs, consider portable ramps or designate someone to assist guests. Think about lighting – bright, diffused light is best for visual impairments. Remember, small gestures like offering folding chairs or magnifying glasses can make a big difference.

What about decorations? I want it festive but not religiously exclusive.

Opt for winter wonderland themes instead of specific religious symbols. Think snowflakes, twinkling lights, cozy throws, and winter foliage. Encourage guests to bring decorations that reflect their own traditions, creating a diverse and festive environment. Remember, inclusivity is about celebrating individual cultures while building a shared sense of joy.

I want to incorporate a charitable element, but what’s the best way to do it?

Ask guests to bring donations for the homeless shelter or food bank or organize a toy drive for children in need. You could even partner with a local charity and turn your party into a fundraising event. Remember, spreading holiday cheer can extend beyond your festive walls.

What if I receive negative feedback about the inclusivity of my party?

Take feedback constructively and as an opportunity for growth. Engage with guests who provide feedback and express genuine interest in understanding their concerns. Use this feedback to improve future events and reaffirm your commitment to creating inclusive spaces.

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