Planning a trip? Here’s How to Travel on a Budget

Traveling the world while broke sounds like a distant dream — almost an unrealistic expectation. But it is doable, and rightfully so without breaking the bank. However, no matter how much enthusiasm you harbour of seeing new people and places, there are some expenses you cannot compromise. Expenses such travel insurance, but there are many ways you can travel on a budget.
With the holiday season approaching fast, money is on everyone’s mind. Everyone planning on traveling would like to pose an image of financial independence and talk about grand places they’re looking to visit, but in reality, few want to open their wallets for closer scrutiny. And many will secretly grab a backpack and jump onto the next cheap flight.
Its challenging to travel on a budget and especially if you’re looking to see the world. Some people are prepared to work, borrow and even save for that backpacking trip of a lifetime. So how do you raise enough cash to stretch as far as it possibly can?
If you are looking for places to visit in Africa here are some ideas.
Here are some tips from experienced travelers on how to travel on a budget:
Book the cheapest flights
A little homework on cheap flights from the US to Europe and other major destinations will do the trick. Major airlines usually have on offer cheaper flights for less developed countries in Asia and Africa. And since most travelers follow the sun, you may need to compare several travel sites at once.
Travel kit
Buying a backpacking kit can make an unwanted dent on your hard-earned funds. Buying on impulse results in lots of unwanted stuff to use, wear and sleep on. As a rule of thumb, buy a decent amount of travel kit giving priority to a sleeping bag, walking shoes (you may need to do lots of walking) light clothing and other accessories like a phone and laptop.
It’s almost always possible to find accommodation to suit your travel budget. Most major cities of the world have clean, decent hostels, with showers, hot meals and free recreational areas like swimming pools and football pitches. Airbnb has also made getting cheaper and reliable accommodation around the world easy.
The whole point of traveling on a budget is to get out and experience the world, and transport in many cities can be pretty overwhelming if not an outright headache. But getting used to public transportation is a good ideal.
Also for a small fee, you can hop onto the local trains, trams, subway systems and though a little stressful, they’re a great way to experience the local culture.
Eating and drinking
A good chunk of your travel budget is taken up by eating and drinking. So if you can avoid the fancy restaurants on the main streets and opt for the side streets and alleys, you’ll encounter discreet restaurants that serve delicious local as well as international cuisine. Why pay $50 for a pizza in an uptown cafe while you can get the same pizza for $10 at the side cafes?
As for a cold beer, the major cities of the world host lots of backstreets taverns and clubs where local revelers congregate for a night out and are quite friendly to strangers.
So there you have it. Getting to travel the world is a great idea, and you do not need to be rich to go. There are plenty of ways you can travel on a budget. All you need is a little creativity.