Top 5 cities to visit in North Africa in 2019

Top 5 cities to visit in North Africa in 2019

Traveling is both a taxing and rewarding experience; taxing in that it requires careful planning. For the rewarding bit, think about all the places you get to see, different cultures and historical

Learn Basic Survival Swimming in Kenya

Learn Basic Survival Swimming in Kenya

According to the International Life Saving Federation, four out of every ten drownings occur a few meters offshore or poolside. The main reason for this is the lack of supervision from parents

Valentine’s Day on a Budget? Here is How to Nail it

Valentine’s Day on a Budget? Here is How to Nail it

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, people. Since most of us are still dealing with post-holiday debts, we are looking for ways to show our people that we love them. But on

Best Bluetooth Headphones For Travelers

Best Bluetooth Headphones For Travelers

Did you know that headphones were invented in 1910, on a kitchen table? If you didn’t I don’t blame you. Most don’t bother with the history of revolutionary devices as long as

Affordable Christmas gifts

Affordable Christmas gifts

Christmas is around the corner, which is both good and bad news. Bad news for the late and lazy shoppers like yours truly who has not bought gifts. And have nothing in mind

Rekindle the lost flame with these romantic getaways

Rekindle the lost flame with these romantic getaways

Are you looking for ways to rekindle the flame of love within you? A romantic escapade might just be the spark your relationship needs. Spending some intimate time with your partner works

Stay fit this holiday season with the below tips

Stay fit this holiday season with the below tips

The holidays are a time of relaxation and also a time when everyone seems to be holding one party or the other. Whether it is the Christmas festivities, end of year office

Planning a trip? Here’s How to Travel on a Budget

Planning a trip? Here’s How to Travel on a Budget

Traveling the world while broke sounds like a distant dream — almost an unrealistic expectation. But it is doable, and rightfully so without breaking the bank. However, no matter how much enthusiasm

Going to Africa? Here is the Ultimate Packing List

Going to Africa? Here is the Ultimate Packing List

The famous African Safari! Pretty thrilling, right? But what is the ultimate packing list for an African tour? You finally got some time for vacation, your flight ticket is ready, hotel booking

Champagne Serving and Drinking Like a Pro

Champagne Serving and Drinking Like a Pro

The holiday season is around the corner, and with it comes loads of parties and meetups with loved ones. Drinks, of course, are expected to be served in large numbers. From whiskeys